Roasted. Poison to avoid
Torrefacto Coffee vs Natural Coffee: Discover the Balance in Our Morning Cup
In the world of coffee, there are eternal debates about which is the best option: Roasted coffee or natural coffee? Both have their defenders and detractors, we are going to explore the pros and cons of each of them. This can help us make more informed decisions about our morning beverage.
Torrefacto Coffee: Pros and Cons
Before starting with the pros and cons of roasting, let me make a point and reference the BOE:
" 3.2 Roasted coffee: is roasted coffee beans, with the addition of sucrose or glucose, before completing the roasting process, in a maximum proportion of 15 kilograms of said sugars (expressed in dry substance, if the sugars are used in the form liquid) per 100 kilograms of green coffee.
It will contain:
Caffeine: 0.6 per 100 minimum dry matter.
Humidity: 5 percent maximum.
Charred grains: 5% maximum.
Total ashes: 5.5 per 100 maximum based on dry matter.
Soluble solids of the aqueous extract: 25 to 40 percent. "
Roasted coffee is known for its intense flavor with bitter tones like burnt bread and its powerful rancid aroma. What is your secret? The addition of sugar during the roasting process is used to mask grain defects, pitting, mold and other malformations. This technique gives the coffee a unique flavor, but it also has its drawbacks.
Pros of Torrefacto Coffee
- Intense Flavor : The caramelization of sugar during roasting gives roasted coffee a deep, sweet flavor that some coffee lovers find irresistible. This is achieved by over-roasting the coffee so that the sugar adheres to the beans, leaving a later intense flavor in the mouth.
- Powerful Aroma : The roasting process with sugar releases intense aromas that can awaken our senses from the first sip, with bitter tones that cover the other aromas of the coffee. These coffees are not characterized by having a great variety of aromatic nuances, although they boast have a great body.
- Longer Shelf Life: Roasted coffee has been noted to have a longer shelf life than natural coffee, which may be convenient for those who wish to store coffee for long periods. This is because the sugar layer that surrounds the beans prevents oxygen from oxidizing the coffee.
Cons of Torrefacto Coffee:
- Sugar Content: The addition of sugar during roasting leads to a higher sugar content in the final drink, which is not ideal for those looking to limit their sugar intake.
- Possible Health Effects : Some studies suggest that regular consumption of roasted coffee may be associated with an increased risk of certain health conditions due to the sugar caramelization process such as stomach problems, cancer and other cardiovascular diseases.
- Coffee Quality Mask: The use of sugar during roasting can mask the quality of the coffee, making it difficult to evaluate the authenticity and origin of the product.
- Banned in Europe: Roasted coffee is currently considered an illegal substance in many European countries, it is only still valid in Spain and Portugal, although both countries increasingly limit its trade.
Natural Coffee: Pure Energy in Every Sip
In contrast to roasted coffee, natural coffee offers a purer and more authentic experience. This type of coffee is roasted without additives, allowing the natural flavors of the beans to be fully expressed.
Pros of Natural Coffee:
- Authentic Flavor: Natural coffee allows the true flavors of the coffee beans to stand out, offering a more authentic and complex experience for the palate.
- Lower Sugar Content : By not adding sugar during roasting, natural coffee tends to have a lower sugar content, making it a healthier option for those who want to control their sugar intake.
- Variety of Origins: Natural coffee lovers enjoy exploring a wide range of origins and flavor profiles, from the fruity tones of African coffees to the earthier flavors of South American coffees.
- Focus on flavor : Natural coffee roasters focus their roasting on the beans, extracting better flavors and aroma; and extolling the characteristics of the coffees.
Cons of Natural Coffee:
- Shorter Shelf Life : Due to its additive-free nature, natural coffee tends to have a shorter shelf life compared to roasted coffee, meaning it can lose its freshness more quickly. So it is important to buy the right amount of coffee for a short period of time and renew it frequently.
- Less Intensity of Flavor : For some drinkers, the lack of sugar, the burnt taste and the dyeing of the milk are very important variables, which is why they think that natural coffee has a lower intensity of flavor. This can be a disadvantage, especially if you are used to the strong flavor of roasted coffee.
- Need for Proper Storage : To maintain its optimal freshness and flavor, natural coffee requires proper storage in a cool, dark place, away from other strong odors and with moderate humidity, which may not be convenient for all consumers.
Natural Coffee: A Healthy Choice for an Active Lifestyle
For those who lead a healthy lifestyle and are looking to energize themselves naturally, natural coffee may be the perfect option. With its authentic flavor and lower sugar content, natural coffee offers a way to enjoy the energy of coffee without compromising quality or health. In addition to providing a wide range of flavors and aromas, aiming to identify its ideal consumer.
Studies have shown that natural coffee may have a number of health benefits, ranging from improving mood and concentration to protecting against certain chronic diseases. Its richness in antioxidants and other bioactive compounds makes it a drink that not only stimulates the body, but also nourishes the mind.
By integrating natural coffee into our daily routine, we can make the most of its health benefits and enjoy a more authentic and rewarding coffee experience. Whether enjoyed alone or as part of a delicious recipe, natural coffee gives us the energy and vitality we need to face the day with confidence and vigor.
At the end of the day, the choice between roasted coffee and natural coffee depends on individual preferences and priorities. While roasted coffee offers intense flavor and long shelf life, natural coffee provides a more authentic and healthier experience for those who value quality and freshness in their cup of coffee.
For those looking for a way to energize life naturally and maintain a healthy lifestyle, natural coffee is the obvious choice. With its pure flavor and rich nutrients, natural coffee helps us feel better, both physically and mentally, and drives us to achieve our goals with renewed passion and vitality. So the next time you make yourself a cup of coffee, consider going natural and discover the perfect balance in every sip.